I read widely from many genres. Perhaps this blog will feature fewer ratings and reviews, but I certainly intend to write about my reading life - it's the subject I most find myself wanting to talk about.
(If you care to catch up on this saga, go to this previous post: http://carissagreen50.booklikes.com/post/1069253/library-love-unbroken-part-2.)
Got another e-mail from the library today saying that it was my turn for "Unbroken." Cruised over there after work, -35 degree wind chill be darned -- there are books to read, and I shall not be stopped.
The librarian presented me the book from the hold shelves -- and it was the large-print edition. Now, I don't mind that it's large print, as long as it's unabridged. But neither the book itself, nor the publisher's web site, nor Powells.com say anything about the manuscript's status.
I'm going to just jump right in and assume I'm getting the full, unabridged text, but wouldn't you think if that was the case the publisher would brag about it? Hope I'm not making a mistake.