I read widely from many genres. Perhaps this blog will feature fewer ratings and reviews, but I certainly intend to write about my reading life - it's the subject I most find myself wanting to talk about.
It was too good to be true -- for now. After putting my name on the list at the Public Library for Laura Hillenbrand's "Unbroken" less than two weeks ago, and being third on the list, I got my e-mail today letting me know it was in (library joy).
When I picked it up the book tonight, I saw it was a BRAND NEW COPY (library lust), which would explain why I moved up the list so quickly. But it was thinner than I thought it was going to be. And slightly oversized. Then, I noticed on the dust jacket that it was a "young adult adaptation." Hmmm, I asked the clerk, is this what I was supposed to get? I thought this was an adult biography. She looked at the book and in the computer, and was not completely sure, "It's probably the same story anyway, but you can talk to reference, if you want to." Fair enough.
The reference librarians couldn't have been nicer. Indeed, the book was for younger readers and had been miscataloged. So back onto the wait list they put me and took the other copy back to be recataloged. Libraries are places for many adventures. This one will have a sequel - eventually.