I read widely from many genres. Perhaps this blog will feature fewer ratings and reviews, but I certainly intend to write about my reading life - it's the subject I most find myself wanting to talk about.
A friend loaned me this book from his collection because he thought I'd like it. He was right; I did. Certainly there are more literary presentations of myths and legends and more in-depth and sophisticated presentations of the psychology of self-analysis. But I actually don't hold that against this book. Many people, so they tell me, prefer straightforward, simple presentations of information.
What really sold me on this book was how beautiful it is. From the cover, in heavy card stock folded over to form endpapers, to the slick pages, to the lovely but readable fonts (one for introductions, a second for myths, and a third for psychology), it's a beauty. Each chapter is bordered top and bottom with different motifs. And, best of all, the book contains dozens of reproductions of classical art from the world's great collections. So, so pretty.
Between the excellent aesthetics and the readable, on-point text, this book was nice. A pleasure to recommend.