I read widely from many genres. Perhaps this blog will feature fewer ratings and reviews, but I certainly intend to write about my reading life - it's the subject I most find myself wanting to talk about.
So every romance novel has a plot McGuffin - the actual plot is that the male and female hero meet, overcome some obstacles, fall in love, and live happily ever after. The McGuffin's job is to act as the premise around which that armature is placed.
in Stephanie Laurens' "The Truth About Love," here's your McGuffiin: The male hero, gentleman painter Gerrard (with three rs) is commissioned by the female hero's father to paint her portrait, in exchange for the opportunity to paint landscapes in the lord's magnificent gardens, the very descriptions of which would put Capability Brown to shame. Why is this portrait of Jacqueline needed? Because just by looking at it, anyone would then know whether or not she was guilty of MURDER!
Wait, what?
Apparently, art can only revel the truth; no deception or subterfuge or acting is possible. Yeah, everybody in the story world buys into this premise. And of course, she's not a murderer (that would spoil the HEA). And it works. Upon seeing the glorious portrait, the viewers are mollified, nay, convinced she is innocent and wronged herself.
And you, Dear Readers, must believe it, too.