I read widely from many genres. Perhaps this blog will feature fewer ratings and reviews, but I certainly intend to write about my reading life - it's the subject I most find myself wanting to talk about.
As Memorial Day is upon us next weekend, it's time to publish my Summer Reading List. I've been compiling a nine-title list each year since 2012 ('12 and '13 are on Facebook). Last year's was a blog post on Booklikes but not an official "reading list." This year's is here: http://booklikes.com/apps/reading-lists/470/summer-reading-list-2015.
I'm pretty excited about this year's list because I feel like it has plenty of literary "meat." Lots to sink my teeth into and some excellent titles to further propel me into the literary conversation.
You'll notice that each book is slotted into a category. I have honed the categories over the years, and I'm happy with them. They are explained within the list itself. And, with just three books for each of the three months of summer, it leaves lots of room for serendipity - I read a book a week, on average, and that rate picks up in summer, so nine is a small number.
You'll also notice there's no poetry on the list. Be assured, I'm always reading poetry but in a particular way, so it doesn't follow a "schedule" well.
If you want to read along, tag the list. I think I'll start with Paper Towns, but I'll update if that plan changes.